" The Ordainer controls the fate of souls in accordance with their prarabdhakarma. Whatever is destined not to happen will not happen, try as you may. Whatever is destined to happen will happen, do what you may to prevent it. This is certain. The best course, therefore, is to remain silent. "
Valluvar Kottam is a popular destination in Chennai. Valluvar Kottam is located towards the corner of Kodambakkam High Road and Village Road of Chennai. Valluvar Kottam was built as a memorial to Thiruvalluvar, the author of 'Thirukkural'.
Valluvar Kottam consists of an auditorium and a memorial. The auditorium can accommodate 4000 people at a time. The auditorium is surrounded by granite pillars on which all the verses from Thirukkural have been carved. It required about 3000 stone blocks to construct Valluvar Kottam.
There is a chariot shaped structure in the auditorium which is about 100 feet high. This structure has a statue of Thiruvalluvar towards the top. The base of this chariot displays 133 chapters of Thirukkural. Valluvar Kottam had the 1330 verses inscribed on giant polished granite slabs done by Ganapathi Sthapathi.